All Services
All services are listed below. Please contact us for pricing details.
In-person appointments usually take place at your home; virtual appointments can be done from anywhere in the United States. In-person appointments outside of Anne Arundel County may require an additional travel fee starting at $10 per visit.
I invite you to consider your current financial situation and contact me if you have any questions. I will not turn anyone away due to an inability to pay the listed price. Payment plans are available if needed.
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Lactation Counseling
Prenatal lactation counseling
Prenatal lactation counseling helps you prepare for your infant feeding journey before your baby is born.
One prenatal counseling session includes:
A complete review of your medical and pregnancy history
An overview of the basics of lactation
Hands-on practice and tips for infant feeding success
A personalized consultation about preparing for the postnatal period based on your life situation
Addressing any questions you have about what to expect during the remainder of your pregnancy, birth, and your newborn’s first few weeks
You may also add on one or more of the following services to your prenatal visit:
A one-on-one additional “mini consultation” with a partner, friend, or family member about how they can best support you in your lactation journey ($25)
A “super siblings” chat with older children to help them prepare for a new baby - appropriate for children ages 4 and up ($25)
Help preparing your birth plan to include best practices for supporting lactation ($20)
Postnatal lactation counseling
Each postnatal lactation counseling offers you one-on-one guidance to address your lactation and breast/chestfeeding needs.
One postnatal counseling session includes:
A full appointment (usually about 90 minutes) with individualized support tailored to your needs
A written summary of our visit that can be shared with your other care provider(s), if you’d like
Three free phone or video check-ins (up to 30 minutes) within 7 days of our appointment together. If support is needed after 7 days, you may schedule a follow-up visit.
Postnatal follow-up visit
Sometimes, challenges may take more than one appointment to overcome. Follow-up visits ensure that your needs are fully met and your care continues beyond our initial session.
Follow-up visits include an appointment (usually between 60-90 minutes) and 3 additional days of support via phone, text, or email after the appointment.
Pumping and/or bottle feeding support
Whether you’re returning to work, needing extra sleep, or struggling to help your baby accept a bottle, the pumping and/or bottle feeding support session should help you get your questions answered and teach you the basics of maintaining your milk supply and feeding your baby.
This visit includes:
A one-on-one education session about expressing and storing milk, ways to feed your baby expressed milk, tips for bottle feeding success, and more depending on your needs
A free flange fitting
Up to three days of virtual support via phone, text, or email after the appointment
Open to co-parents, grandparents, friends, or any other caregivers who will be involved with bottle feeding a baby.
Weaning support
This appointment is for when you are ready to slow down or end your lactation journey. Together we will talk through your feelings, address any concerns, and create a schedule together to wean safely in a way that works for you and your family.
Lactation in special cases
If your situation doesn't quite fit under the categories listed above but you could use support in your lactation journey, please feel free to reach out to see how the Peaceful Perinatal team can help you.
Special note: Peaceful Perinatal offers support free of charge following a miscarriage, stillbirth, or infant loss.
Pay-what-you-can virtual support
On Wednesday evenings, I offer virtual pay-what-you-can sessions for you to get your quick questions answered. These appointments include up to 30 minutes of counseling plus follow-up recommendations and referrals, if applicable.
Attendees may choose to book a full appointment with me after attending a pay-what-you-can session, if needed.
Classes & Workshops
Preparing for Pregnancy and Parenthood
Prices vary - contact for details
A 2-hour class for those considering pregnancy and/or parenthood. Available in a group or one-on-one setting. Learn about how to take care of yourself and create a strong start for your baby and your changing family.
Lactation 101
Prices vary - contact for details
A 2-hour group class for anyone wanting an overview of breast/chestfeeding. Available in a group or one-on-one setting. Topics include the physiology of lactation and infant feeding, tips for success, identifying challenges, and seeking help. All are welcome!
Is the SMC for Me?
A free class for anyone wondering if the Survivor Moms' Companion (SMC) program is for them. No commitment necessary. Click here to learn more about the SMC.
Young Parents Series
Prices vary - contact for details
A series of short, interactive classes aimed for teen parents-to-be. Topics include anatomy and physiology of lactation and infant feeding, the first few weeks, self advocacy, balancing parenthood and school, and building a strong support system.
Custom Class or Workshop
Prices vary - contact for details
We offer custom classes and workshops for individual parents and families, libraries, community centers, hospitals, birth centers, other health centers, and more!
The SMC Program
Initial Consultation
A free call for anyone wondering if the Survivor Moms' Companion (SMC) program is for them. No commitment necessary.
The SMC Program
The full 10-week program including an online workbook, custom resources, and completion of all SMC modules with one-on-one support (a $320 value!).
SMC Modules 1-4
$120 | $35 per session if purchased separately
Includes the first four chapters of the SMC workbook, custom resources, and completion of the first four modules with one-on-one support. For new SMC clients who want to participate but are not sure if they can commit to the full program. Full cost includes a $20 discount for purchasing the modules together.
SMC Modules 5-10
$150 | $30 per session if purchased separately
Includes the final chapters of the SMC workbook, custom resources, and completion of the SMC program with one-on-one support. For current SMC program clients who have completed modules 1-4. Full cost includes a $30 discount for purchasing the modules together.