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Lactation Support

No matter what your breastfeeding, chestfeeding, or other lactation goals are, Peaceful Perinatal is here to support you and connect you to the resources you need.

We offer one-on-one education and lactation support before and after your baby is born, online and in person.

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What does a lactation counseling appointment include?

The short answer? It depends! Every visit will be tailored to your and your family's unique situation and goals. Appointments are usually between 1.5 and 2 hours.

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Here are some common topics:


Before your baby is born, we can work together to:


  • Set goals for breast/chestfeeding

  • Practice communicating your goals with partners, family, friends, and care providers

  • Talk about why human milk is optimal for babies

  • Make sure your birth plan supports lactation

  • Review what to expect during your baby's first week

  • Learn about breast/chest anatomy and the changes you may experience during and after pregnancy


After your baby is born, we can work together to:


  • Set goals for breast/chestfeeding

  • Practice communicating your goals with partners, family, friends, and care providers

  • Assess your milk supply and your baby's weight gain

  • Find breast/chestfeeding positions that are comfortable for you and your baby

  • Find the root cause of any pain, discomfort, or frustration due to breast/chestfeeding

  • Create a pumping schedule and find the correct size flanges for your body

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For more complicated situations related to infant feeding, please contact an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC).

Lactation Counseling: LS IBCLC Refer

Trauma-informed care is an important part of our work. To learn more about consent during lactation counseling sessions, please click here.

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What can I expect during my lactation counseling appointment?


Every parent-baby pair is different, and so is every lactation counseling session. However, there are a few things you can expect from every appointment with me.

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Before our session together, I will:​

  • Ask you to complete either the New Client Intake Forms or Returning Client Forms and send them to me over a HIPAA-compliant server

  • Confirm your payment preferences

  • Review your forms and contact you if I need additional information before the visit


Whether you are a new or returning client, I will always pay close attention to your needs and do my best to support you.

The specifics are up to you! Depending on your lactation concern(s) or question(s), we might:

  • Set short-term and long-term goals together

  • Learn about anatomy and physiology of infant feeding

  • Talk about and/or practice different feeding positions

  • Talk about and/or practice bottlefeeding or pumping

  • Look for physical issues that may be causing pain

  • Practice conversations you might have with your loved ones

  • Create an infant feeding plan that works for your family


After our session, I will:

  • Send you a summary of our visit and next steps

  • Be available to you for email communication and limited check-ins for 7 days**

  • (if appropriate) Refer you to other care providers who can help with your baby’s specific needs (for example, physical or occupational therapist, ear nose and throat doctor, pediatrician) or who can help to support you (mental health, OB/GYN, etc.)

  • (for postpartum clients) Check in with you to see how things are going approximately 24 hours, 48 hours, and 7 days after your appointment

I might also offer you worksheets, informational sheets, journaling prompts, or other resources to use after our session together. You do not need to use them, but they are there for you if you’d like.

Please note that many problems with lactation and breast/chestfeeding are not solved in a single visit. If one or more follow-up visits are needed, we can work together to create a timeline and payment plan that works best for your family.

**Postnatal lactation packages include 7 days of email communication and 3 free phone or video check-ins (up to 30 minutes) within 7 days of our appointment together. If support is needed after 7 days, please contact me to set up a follow-up appointment.

My job is to help you bring more peace into your life during your pregnancy and parenting journey. If there are any other ways I can support you during our time together, please let me know.

Lactation Counseling: LS My Job

Meagan Williams, MSPH, IBCLC


Serving families in-person in Maryland and DC and virtually across the United States.

©2024 by Peaceful Perinatal.

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